From the start...
We went in on Thursday night, the 30th, to start the process of being induced. They had me come in the night before just to do some gel stuff to make it easier for the pitocin to work the next morning. They did that at 10:30pm and said that it is normal to have some contractions for about an hour but that they would stop after that. Well, one came and the next came seconds after that and 3 hours 2 min later he was born. Patrick was at work and my sister was at the hospital with me. He almost missed it! My midwife couldn't be found so they had to call one from Tigard to come and she almost missed it. Nellie and Samantha were both all natural births. With Owen after about an hour, I think, I got an epidural. Let me tell you that was great. I actually remember the whole thing. The bad part was that it didn't fully work on my left leg, but it was better than nothing. He was 7 lbs 5 1/2 oz and 21 in long. So far he is a great baby! He is actually nursing, something I wasn't able to do with the girls.
The bad part is that we were home one day and I wasn't feeling very good. I took my temp and it was 101 so I called the doc and she said to just watch it and if it gets to 103 to call back. Monday I felt horrible and my temp was 102.8 so I called back. She told me to go to the ER. We got there and they got us right in because my temp was now 103.3! They did a chest exray and nothing, so I just have an acute virus. But that means that I have to wear a mask for 3 days, no visitors, and I can only hold Owen when he's eating. Now today the girls have had a fever so I gave them meds and sent them to bed. We are all hoping that Owen doesn't get sick now.
Other than the sick part, everything is great! We are so blessed to have him in our family. He is such a good boy. Enjoy the pict, more to come.
sis thanks for letting me be there for the whole thing. it was awesome and you were a trooper. i am sorry you all are sick. get better so we can come visit soon.
love you.
he is a doll!!! i am so excited he is here. we love you guys and hope you feel better soon!!!!!
Those pictures are so cute! Congrats! I hope you (and the girls) feel better soon. He's adorable
Owen is adorable Mettina! I'm sorry you have to deal with this sickness on top of recovery, that sucks. Get better soon!
your belly was amazing...LOVE it.
and OWEN is so so so so so so cute...CANNOT wait to see him.
I hope that the fevers run their course quickly, recovery can be hard enough!
congrats on lactation! hooty-hoo!
That is so amazingly fast! Which midwife came from Tigard? I know 4 over here. He is so cute, I love the picture of the close up of his face and the one where he is sucking his middle fingers. How wonderful that you are nursing!! I can't wait to come and see you (just like everybody else). Take care.
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